Wool For Future

Wool For Future

Wool For Future will take place at PLATTE Berlin, the new place Multidisziplinary Place for Fashion, Sustainabilty and Trendsetting.

“Sticking to the UN Social Development Goals (SDGs) for Better Fashion, ethical guides define our ways of collaboration. A central sourcing platform, purchase and production communities help promote circular fashion and efforts to minimise waste.”

Wool, as a renewable resource, is also the most reused and recyclable fibre on the planet. It is natural, renewable and biodegradable. It is breathable, indestructible and elastic. Wool jumpers uses a whopping 18% less energy than polyester and 70% less water than cotton. That’s reason enough for us to dedicate 10 days to the fibre to enjoy, learn and discover.

Wool For Future


  1. 18.11.21 – 18:00 – 21:00 OPENING
  2. 18.11. – 27.11 Pop-Up Store 
  3. 20.11.21 – 14:00 – 16:00 UpCycling Workshop 
  4. 23.11.21 – 18:00 – 20:00 Panel Talk
  5. 27.11.21 – 14:00 – 16:00 Repair and Care Workshop #1 with Tata Christiane 

Wool For Future

  • Wool For Future OPENING 

Lena Voutta – Installation
Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft x LPJ – Exhibition

  • Wool For Future Pop-Up Store 

Case Studies, Claudia Skoda, Evyinit, Jyoti, Lena Voutta, Marie Louise Vogt, Modus Intarsia, Pugnat, Sabrina Weigt, Starstyling, T/Sehne, Tata Christiane

  • Wool For Future UpCycling Workshop

Upcycling Workshop with Gaëlle Martin. In this workshop you will have an introduction to hand knitting and how to up-cycle yarn leftover of all kinds and colours in a fun way!
max 12 people

  • Wool For Future Panel Talk

What is the future of wool? How can wool be an answer to a more sustainable development for the fashion industry & consumption

Presenter: Jana Braumüller (Fashion Changers)
Claudia Skoda
Yolanda Leaks (Doppelhaus)
Ann Cathrin Schönrock (Modus Intarsia)
max 50 people

  • Wool For Future Repair and Care Workshop #1 with Tata Christiane.

Bring your love-piece to repair .
Together with Julie from Tata Christiane you’ll create a new chapter of life for your beloved item – you’ll discover the endless possibilities of artistic hand crocheting
max 12 people

For All Events Please RSVP here 2G-rules apply

Photography: PLATTE Berlin
Location: Memhardstraße 8, 10178 Berlin
Year: 18-27 November 2021