Fall Winter 2021-22 will hapen during the Tokyo Fashion Week from the 15th to 24th Of March. Curated by Yann le Goec the showroom is part of HP France, Japan.

WUT SHOWROOM Fall Winter 2022 will showcase the new Fall Winter Collection of Tata Christiane among a groupe of talented designers such  Anntian, Franzius, Hui-Hui, Ka Wa Key, Mouchkine, Starstyling, Typical Freak and Vladimir Karelev.


WUT SHOWROOM Fall Winter 2022

We will present our new Fall Winter 2021-2022 at

FALL/WINTER 2021: Poetic Inventory

WUT SHOWROOM Schedule and Location

03.17 Wed. – 19 Fri. 11:00-19:00

03.22 Mon. – 26 Fri. 11:00-19:00


〒 107-0062 東京都港区南青山 5-4-41 グラッセリア青山内


About Poetic Inventory

Poetic Inventory is inspired by the poetic inventory à la Prévert, French poet of the 20th Century. Inventaire à la Prévert: “List, heterogeneous enumeration, inventory which apparently has neither head nor tail.” During these months of confinement and self-reflection, the temptation to enumerate to oneself what we love in a disorganized, organized or anarchic way, in a salutary, nostalgic and poetic way may have touched everyone’s mind.

In this collection there are some poetic obsessions of our universe, whether in the mix of materials, prints, colors. While browsing through this thread, I found at random publications, a small text by a blogger writer named Sebastien this little excerpt:

“We have to admit that the destiny of humanity can be suspended, totally dependent on something as insignificant, as derisory as an inventory… a futile list of crops… It’s terrible and at the same time it must put modesty back into our everyday actions and ambitions. Destiny likes to take side paths that cannot be calculated, that is also what makes our human labyrinth, our wandering epic, fascinating.

Obviously poetry, and more precisely surrealism, the OuLiPo, has taken possession of this monument that is the inventory. The inventory in the pen of a Prévert or a Perec revives its primary sense of inventio. List and invention are then brought together with the same poetic intention. There is a force that emerges from this accumulation, from this nonsensical jumble, something absurd that necessarily says something of our time…”.



Photography: Robert Bartholot
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Year: March 2021